A long time from now, in a galaxy right next door

If a blogger posts from a forest (or a track home) and there is no one to read it, does it really count? I guess someday when I'm rich and famous like Corey Feldman I'll look back at this first post and hate myself for becoming such a sell out. At least I have that going for me.....which is nice.
In the meantime I'll be using this space as a pseudo-diary for the films I watch, both good and bad. Judging from the way Hollywood is churning out stinkers these days I hope it's not mainly the latter. Personally I prefer films that challenge me a bit but I see my share of "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back" films. They should stop messing around and just make a movie with that title. In addition to using my opposable digit to rate films I'll try and get into the deeper themes in films. I'll also offer humble opinions on how a movie could've been fixed to achieve greatness or at least better than the final product. My favorite example, if Brad Pitt shoots himself instead of Spacey at the end of "Seven" that movie moves up several notches my snobbish/know it all list of films. I guess he was just too dreamy to take that self-inflicted dirt nap.
Gotta go, my mom is calling me up from the basement to hose off the porch. At 400 lbs. it's tough to climb those stairs so I better pack some Ding-Dongs and Mountain Dew for the trip. I just hope I don't see any girls that could scare me and force me to fall down. How's that for a blogger stereotype?
I'll be back to talk to myself soon.
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