Uh oh, Peter Jackson is on a winning streak. This means he has free reign to make overblown blockbusters as he sees fit. Don't get me wrong, King Kong is totally eye-candy. In addition he actually tries to tell a story, as evidenced by the fact the Mr. Kong doesn't appear until you are over an hour into the film. I also realized it tough making a (long) film where everyone knows the ending. Nevertheless King Kong was probably not in need of a makeover.
I sincerely think Peter Jackson must print everything he films. At least it seems that way. Action scenes are exhaustingly long and he gets into Lucas' prequel filmmaking masturbation territory at times. There are scenes, like the dinosaur stampede, that are truly eye-rolling moments. The film could've easily been cut to an 1:45 and you would not have missed a thing. I think if Peter Jackson were hired to film a Twilight Zone short he'd turn it into a mini-series somehow.
I'm not expecting Peter Jackson to go back and make Bad Taste II but here's to him returning to a simpler time before unlimited budgets and overblown productions.
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