Old Yeller

Unconditional love. You can only get it in one place. Not from your spouse, mother, dad, grandparent, imaginary or 3-D friends. The only creature that offers that service is a dog. There are cool cats, nice goldfish, slimy snakes but none of them offer what Boris brought to our family.
For my wife, Boris was her best friend before I came along over 12 years ago. He soon became my buddy as well and we've lived happily together for about 10 years. Boris has a terrible case of hip displaysa, and has for years. We've spent as much money as possible to make him comfortable in his golden years. He's repaid us tenfold with love, protection, and a sweet disposition.
It's time for Boris to go to doggie heaven and I can't help feeling so fucking selfish about this. He's in pain and can't do much but I still want to be able to get up and give me his medicine each morning. To see him come limping around the corner for dinner should not be sentimental but it is. It's definitely his time but that doesn't help.
To my wife I'm so sorry for your loss. You were the best, most caring pet owner I've ever seen. It's a motherfucker that dogs and humans have different life spans. Just know that you gave "Bean" the best life a dog could ask for. I've commonly said that if I was reincarnated as a dog, I'd want Boris' life.
Thanks Bean Doggle. You are loved, you are missed, you will be remembered.
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